Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Gritty Goose 2022

Facebook is were most up to date Gritty Goose 2022 information is. But just in case you ended up here via google here is the same most recent update from there https://www.facebook.com/events/1148677875670157/permalink/1257893738081903/

Hello Gravel Universe! 

It's your favorite angry waterfowl. Only five days out from the Gritty Goose, so rather than kicking back and knocking out a few White Claws on his birthday, Gritty has been working on race day details. Yes, even a lazy slug like Gritty can get 'er done.
Gritty has compiled a rider guide in the link below. Inside the guide are all of the race day details, including the waiver, GPS links, sponsor links and timeline for the day. Additionally, for those of you who use cue cards, there are cue cards at the link as well. Please print and fill out waivers in advance, and bring a copy of the rider guide. Gritty is not a well organized bird, and there is no Kinko's in Monticello. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ORAWFt1KdllW7Eop-bCfJ8yKvQzlWOm6?fbclid=IwAR3hUxSqG88Zgat_m5oFLyMD-dcVIksq1kkRNe7TZZh2KZ_jmVqYUxZ-_-Y

A couple of items to note: 
 Parking is going to be tight at Bertram, so please car pool where possible with your peeps. 
 Only one port-a-pottie at Bertram, so plan ahead. The woods are not thick along the route, and we don't want to see an increase in indecent exposure or lewd conduct citations in Wright County. 
 Registration is at the pavilion. We will have number badges for everyone. Again, please bring a complete waiver!
 If there are any questions or concerns, comment below or PM me. That is all for now. Hope to see all of you on Saturday! 

Word to your goose, Gritty